Hi besties,
This section is the fun part!
It's a mix of books and movies I have loved reading and watching to be a better physiotherapist. I hope they help you navigate your journey.
Left Neglected - Book (recommended for Stroke)
This is for all my best friends undergoing recovery from stroke. Left neglected talks about a fellow stroke survivor who lost the ability to recognise her left side, and how she recovered from it.
Champions - Spanish Movie
(recommended for everyone)
I love this movie! A few very caring, fun, and equally positive (un)wired brains get together with an aggressive coach to win a football tournament! It's in Spanish, but you can access it with subtitles for free on YouTube.
Tuesdays with Morrie - Book
(recommended for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis)
Ever heard of ALS? It stands for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. It is said that only very strong minded individuals encounter it, and if you do, your will is stronger than you think. I had so much fun reading the conversations in this book, and what they say is true- ALS comes to a human with abundance wisdom.
The reason I Jump - Movie
(recommended for Autism)
We've all felt different, special, and wondered why we can do things that a lot of people around us can't. I understand that this gets overwhelming, but young Naoki is here to help you go through these wave of emotions. Trust me, Naoki is a great listener.
Still Alice - Movie
(recommended for Alzheimer's disease)
There's nothing better than having somebody understand your journey. This might also be a good recommendation for spouses and family members suffering from Alzheimer's disease. It is also a book and beautifully depicts the journey of a woman at 50.
The Crash Reel - Movie
(recommended for Traumatic Brain Injury)
Have you ever had a "WHY ME! WHY NOT ANYBODY ELSE" moment? Well, so did the Olympian Kevin Pearce, He is the lead fictional character in this film, and undergoes an injury just after winning the Olympics.